Flag Of Malaysia

Official Malaysian Government Website. 
Here’s how you know

Official government websites end with .gov.my. If the link does not end with .gov.my, exit the website immediately even if it looks similar.

Look for a lock icon or https:// as an added precaution. If not present, do not share any sensitive information.

Bgcobalt Batik

Unemployment Rate

0 %


Sourced from

Batik design background

Median Monthly Salary

RM 0 / Month

RM 0 / Month

Sourced from

Batik design background

Economic Indicators

Track key metrics like GDP growth, inflation, and unemployment rates to understand Malaysia's economic health and investment climate.

Monetary Policy

Central bank policy rates


Key pricing data and inflation trends

National Account

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

External Sector

Balance of payments (BOP), international investment position (IIP) and international reserves

Labour Market

Employment trends and workforce statistics

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