Flag Of Malaysia

Official Malaysian Government Website. 
Here’s how you know

Official government websites end with .gov.my. If the link does not end with .gov.my, exit the website immediately even if it looks similar.

Look for a lock icon or https:// as an added precaution. If not present, do not share any sensitive information.

Bgcobalt Batik

MGS (Malaysian Government Securities)

Sourced from

Bank Negara Malaysia
Batik design background

Malaysian Treasury Bills

Sourced from

Bank Negara Malaysia
Batik design background

BNM Monetary Notes (Conventional)

Sourced from

Bank Negara Malaysia
Batik design background

BNM Monetary Notes (Islamic)

Sourced from

Bank Negara Malaysia
Batik design background

Financial Markets

Explore Malaysia's financial landscape to make informed investment decisions.

Foreign Exchange

Foreign exchange market trends and rates

Money Market

Short-term financial instruments and rates

Government/ Central Bank Bond Market

Governments and central bank bond yields

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